How to Avoid Plagiarism In Your Essay

How to Avoid Plagiarism In Your Essay

If you are a student then it is important to avoid plagiarism in your work. Otherwise, you will have to face the consequences of copying others’ words or ideas.

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How to Avoid Plagiarism
How to Avoid Plagiarism
  • Use multiple resources when assembling your essay
  • Get help form professional writers when not sure you can do it yourself
  • Use Plagiarism Checker to double check your essay
  • Do not copy and paste free to download essays

Plagiarism can be a confusing and overwhelming topic. To learn more about this crucial concept, here is a complete guide on how to avoid plagiarism in simple steps.

Table of Contents -How to Avoid Plagiarism In Your Essay

  • 1. What Is Plagiarism?
  • 2. How To Avoid Plagiarism?
    • 2.1 Paraphrase
    • 2.2 Quoting
    • 2.3 Cite Your Sources
    • 2.4 Present Your Own Idea
    • 2.5 Use Plagiarism Checker
  • 3. Types of Plagiarism
    • 3.1 Global Plagiarism
    • 3.2 Verbatim Plagiarism
    • 3.3 Paraphrasing Plagiarism
    • 3.4 Self-Plagiarism
    • 3.5 Incorrect Citation
  • 4. Is Plagiarism Illegal?

It is very easy to find information on any topic and subject on the internet. But it is not always that easy to add information in your own document without getting into the trap of plagiarism.

However, there are some easy ways to avoid plagiarism and ensure your paper is free from plagiarized content. This detailed guide will help you understand what plagiarism is, its consequences, and how not to plagiarize.

1. What Is Plagiarism?

The simple meaning of plagiarism is using others’ ideas and thoughts into your own work without giving credit to the original author. Sometimes it involves deliberately stealing others’ ideas but often it happens accidentally.

In academic writing, you build upon others’ work and use various sources to gather the relevant information and evidence. It is important to correctly incorporate all the sources used in your paper to avoid plagiarism.

Considered as a serious academic as well as intellectual offense, plagiarism can result in negative consequences such as loss of credibility, reputation, and paper retractions. Plagiarism is one of the main reasons for the retractions of research papers.

Thus it is important for the students and researchers to increase their understanding of the concept of plagiarism and different ways to guard yourself against it.

2. How To Avoid Plagiarism?

There are many things that come to your mind such as how to get away with plagiarism? How to plagiarize without getting caught by turnitin? What is a good rule to follow to avoid plagiarism?

Avoiding plagiarism is not that scary but actually easy to do now as you have a basic understanding of what it is. Have a look at the following steps for every type of research paper you write to ensure it is free of plagiarism.

2.1 Paraphrase – How to Avoid Plagiarism

Paraphrasing is all about rewriting the original ideas into your own words without changing the actual meaning. When paraphrasing one can easily slip into plagiarism if it is not done correctly. The key to a perfect rephrasing is avoiding similar words and phrases from the original information. Remember when paraphrasing you will have to include the citation of the source.

2.2 Quoting

If you want to include the source words into your paper, one of the best ways to do so is adding quotation marks before the start and end of the words that do not belong to you. It is important to cite the source so that the reader knows from where the quote is taken.

2.3 Cite Your Sources

Plagiarism can be avoided by citing the source effectively. Follow the formatting guidelines such as MLA, APA, Chicago, used by the institution. In-text citations usually entail the author’s name, publication date, page number, and similar information.

The proper use of citations involves:

  • Maintaining records of the sources that you have used in your paper.
  • Use multiple references for the literature survey. For example, it would be better to refer to individual papers rather than referencing a review.
  • No need to cite common knowledge.

You can also explore our research paper example – MLA and APA format to better understand the two most important citation guidelines.

2.4 Present Your Own Idea

Instead of copying and pasting other people’s ideas and work, explore what you want to say about the subject. Think about the unique perspective or point that is entirely your own and can contribute to the writing. Keep in mind that if you include the source ideas to frame your own points, you will still have to cite the source in order to avoid plagiarism.

2.5 Use Plagiarism Checker

During the research process, some words or phrases might stick to your mind that you accidentally include them in your own writing. To clear the doubt, it is better to run your paper on a plagiarism checking program and catch this kind of issue before submitting your work.

3. Types of Plagiarism

The following are the most common types of plagiarism:

3.1 Global Plagiarism

It means taking someone else’s work and passing it on as you own. Keep in mind that you are committing plagiarism if you copy text from the internet and pass it on with your name. This is one of the most serious types of plagiarism and can result in severe consequences.

3.2 Verbatim Plagiarism

Verbatim plagiarism means copying the source text and pasting it into your own document without making any changes. If the sentence structure and most of the words are the same as in the source, then you are committing verbatim plagiarism.

3.3 Paraphrasing Plagiarism

Paraphrasing is all about rewriting the text in your words without changing the actual meaning. Paraphrasing the original source information without proper citation is a very common type of plagiarism. As long as you cite sources, paraphrasing is not plagiarism.

3.4 Self-Plagiarism

Reusing your own original work that you have previously submitted called self-plagiarism. It is not appreciated if you present the previous works that you have already gotten credit for.

3.5 Incorrect Citation

The most important factor in avoiding plagiarism is to properly cite the sources. You have to correctly format all the sources used in your work. If you include the source information in the wrong place, it will be considered as plagiarizing.

Most of the style guides require proper in-text citation, bibliography, a reference list where you have to list down all the references. An incorrect citation can constitute plagiarism.

4. Is Plagiarism Illegal? How to Avoid Plagiarism In Your Essay

Plagiarism is illegal and a serious academic offense. That is why essay, presentation, book reviews, book report or any other kind of research paper must be unique. It is very important for every student to understand the consequences of plagiarism and take it seriously. You may get an F grade for your paper or even dismissed from your institution for a while if you get caught.

After all, at the end of the day, no one wants to add plagiarized content in their work and it takes a lot of time and effort to ensure that this is not the case.

In your fight against plagiarism, it is important to educate yourself with different types of plagiarism so that you can easily identify the type in your work. Moreover, you must also use the above steps during and after the writing process. To add another layer of insurance, you can reach out to our professionals at MyPerfectWords to ensure that your work does not contain any kind of plagiarism.

Contact us and get a well-written custom paper according to your requirements. Remember, it is always better to get professional help in crafting any type of academic paper from scratch.

How to Avoid Plagiarism



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